Planning and Zoning
Planning and Zoning Commission Members:
Kevin Colteryahn
Alton Rhymes
Dena Howard
Janet Groff
Amy Davis
*Agenda’s for Future Meetings:
planning and zoning 12-30-2024
To be placed on the agenda for the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, please submit a written request to the City Secretary no later that the Tuesday prior to the meeting. The request should be specific in regards to the subject matter you wish to discuss. You should attach any supporting documents that you would like to be viewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission to the request.
*PLANNING APPLICATIONS must be filed a minimum of 15 days prior to the date of the meeting in order to be placed on the agenda.
ORD 259 -Planning and Zoning Regulations part 1
ORD 259, Planning and Zoning Regulations, Pt 2
Ord 157- Subdivision regulations
Ord 194-Subdivision Regulations (amends Ord 157)
Ord 250- Subdivision ordinance (amends 157)
USPS Builder and Developer Information Packet for Cluster Box Units
You will need to file a Planning Application in order to file a subdivision plat, a request for a zoning change, specific use permit or variance. The application should be filed with the City Secretary’s office at City Hall.